Art by Nicholas Wostl, on Instagram @fim_arts A little over a week ago, I looked out my west window first thing in the morning and saw a near-full moon I knew I couldn't capture. I have neither the skills nor the gear to photograph the moon, although I've attempted it. Nearly every time I've been rewarded with a featureless white dot against a black background. The moon is so much smaller than our minds see it. On a full moon night, extend your arm straight and hold up your pinkie. You can block out the entire disk with just that one finger. I couldn't capture that moon in image, but I have words: full moon looms, a pearl low on twilight horizon face cracked by branches I might not have been able to make that moon a picture, but I knew someone who could. I texted the haiku to my artist brother, and he painted my moon on his wall and sent it to me to use with this post. I was amazed. It was perfect. It was my moon. I've never felt as if I understood haiku, although I...
Thoughts and meanderings from S.V. Mark
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